Hail damage can cause up to $1 billion worth of damage per year, which underscores the importance of protecting your property from severe weather events. Cars are particularly susceptible to hail damage, as both large and small hail stones can damage windshields and vehicle bodies.
Vehicles can be damaged by hail stones of all sizes. However, generally speaking, the larger the hailstones, the more damage they're likely to cause to your vehicle.
The cost to repair hail damage largely depends on the extent of it. Most drivers can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $150 per vehicle panel damaged. Repair costs may range anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.
If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, you're likely covered for hail damage repair after you meet your deductible. Check with your insurance agent for more information.
Severe weather in the forecast? Here's what you can do to protect your car from hail:
If you can't find covered parking, locate a blanket or several blankets from your linen closet and do your best to completely cover the vehicle.
If you live in an area prone to severe weather, you might even consider purchasing a specialty hail blanket or hail cover.
Can't find enough blankets or don't have any hail covers? See if there are any cardboard boxes in your garage. If the cardboard is thick enough to sustain rainfall, it should hold up fine to hail. You might just need to get creative about how you secure it to your car. Attaching bungee cords to the door handles or rearview mirrors to hold them in place is one idea.
Another way to protect your car from hail if you're in a pinch is to remove the floor mats from your vehicle and place them over the windshield and windows. Just make sure they are carpeted side down so the rubber side is facing up. The hail will bounce off the rubber and away from your vehicle.
Consider folding your rearview mirrors in to protect the reflective pieces of these components.
The best way to avoid hail is to find covered parking before the storm hits. If you're at home, pull your vehicle into your garage or under a carport (if you can). If you're out, try to find a parking garage or covered area that offers protection from the elements.
Hail damage impacts your vehicle's aesthetic and reduces its value. That's why it's important to have any
damage repaired. A qualified auto body shop, like Wrecktify Collision, can help
repair any hail damage via practices that include
paintless dent repair.
For more information on how to protect your car from hail or to schedule an appointment to repair hail damage, contact us today.
207 Hoesly Drive, New Glarus, WI 53574